This versatile fluid serves two purposes: It keeps your engine from overheating in warm weather and your engine from freezing in cold temperatures.
You should have your radiator flushed every two years to keep fresh antifreeze/coolant in there. Particles of rust and metal can erode and build up in the fluid if it is not maintained. This can clog the system and create a number of problems and expensive repairs.
You can recycle antifreeze, but you should never throw it in sewage systems, storm drains or in your trash container.
Whether used or new, antifreeze is extremely toxic and can lead to death. Always use special care when handling antifreeze around children or pets.
Antifreeze must be able to withstand heats in excess of 250 degrees. It also contains rust inhibitors and a lubricant to keep the cooling system working properly at all times.
These are just a few things your Greensboro, NC area Toyota dealer thought you should know about antifreeze and your cooling system.

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