The theft of catalytic converters from SUVs and Trucks is reaching epidemic proportions in the United States. The precious metals used in the catalytic converters can be sold to unscrupulous scrap metal dealers. A replacement catalytic converter costs between $1000-$2000. Here are some things you can do to prevent your vehicle from being an easy target.
How To Prevent Catalytic Converter Theft-Edmunds.com
There are a few options that may help prevent this type of theft. Some mechanics suggest welding the heads on the catalytic converter bolts — or simply shearing them off.
The aftermarket has responded by designing products to deter and prevent catalytic converter theft. The idea behind such devices is that if it takes too long to make the steal, the thieves will move on to easier pickings. The CatClamp, for example, which starts at $225, is a hard-to-defeat cage installed around the catalytic converter. This product can be installed by a mechanic or at home with an included specialized tool and is backed by a money-back guarantee.
While most owners don't give much thought to their catalytic converter, those with vehicles high off the ground might want to think twice. It's always wiser to park in well-lit or protected public parking lots, and to park your car in your home garage if possible. Owners whose vehicles have easy clearance underneath might want to take it a step further with an aftermarket product. Taking these precautionary measures will hopefully deter thieves and keep your car running smoothly.
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